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Oh Sweet Jesus!

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Oh Sweet Jesus!</a>

<p>In my hasty attempt to update the site before I left for the Road Trip, I mangled everything for a few hours. Good times. I seem to have sorted it all out for now, but please tell me of any problems you might be having. You can post them in the <a href="/forum/">Forum</a>.</p>

<p>The basic quirks are that user information (your avatar, posts, the last time ...
Read more : Oh Sweet Jesus! | Views : 1658 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Comments for Chris Boylan .com articles

Only days remain

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Only days remain</a>

<p>Again, both until the NFL Draft on Saturday and until Amber's and my departure on Monday. If you haven't checked the forum in the last day, a flurry of activity erupted in relation to the possibility that the Giants may trade up to the first overall pick in the draft. I think it is not an overstatement that the next five to ten years of the ...
Read more : Only days remain | Views : 1939 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Comments for Chris Boylan .com articles

Having any trouble with the board?

In talking to Greg, he said that he had login problems with the board. If you are seeing something similar, please pass the info along. If everything works for me, I presume it to be working overall. If you have ANY problem with the site, DO NOT HESITATE to post it here, or to email me. If you tell me what is wrong, I should be able to fix it. You get a better experience, ...
Read more : Having any trouble with the board? | Views : 2330 | Replies : 0 | Forum : General - Chris Boylan

It's coming!

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">It's coming!</a>

<p>And by that I mean the NFL Draft. </p>

<p>No, while I am excited about the upcoming NFL Draft this weekend, (and praying that the Giants pass on Eli Manning and pick up Gallery or Sean Taylor) I am much more excited about this Monday's coming departure for the "Chris Across America Trip". Alright, I need a better name for this thing. All suggestions are welcome.</p>

<p>We ...
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Stocks and plans

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Stocks and plans</a>

<p>Today was expiration day in the options world, meaning the day that comes once a month when options have to be exercised or they expire worthless. Basically, it is time to take a look at how you are doing and make a few trades.</p>

<p>After one month, I made about $200 on one covered call on <a href="">IMM</a>. Through a freak occurence, OptionsXpress accidentally closed my ...
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Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Stellastarr*</a>

<p>Attended Stellastarr* at the Shelter. It was a somewhat weak performance as feared as lead-singer-with-weird-voice-guy (that I'm too lazy to look up) was unable to maintain the odd 80s british thing over the cacophony of the rest of the band. Having never been to the Shelter before, I was blown away by their sound system. Not impressed, just actually knocked over by how loud it was. </p>

<p>How ...
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Deadwood and The Wire

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Deadwood and The Wire</a>

<p>Caught both <em>The Sopranos</em> and <em>Deadwood</em> tonight on the HBO. First off, it looks like <em>The Sopranos</em> is really starting to hit its stride this season after a lackluster effort last season. I'm starting to remember why I liked the show in the first place. After last season, I felt I was just watching out of habit and not enjoying a thing, but the entertainment ...
Read more : Deadwood and The Wire | Views : 2169 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Comments for Chris Boylan .com articles

Hospital Stay

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Hospital Stay</a>

<p>No, no.. not for me. However, Amber's Dad spent Monday and Tuesday getting to know Crittenton Hospital after getting sidelined by a kidney stone. I'd attempt to explain it, but why bother when <a href="">Amber did a much better job</a>.</p>

<p>So that plus cleaning up Rock's basement is what I've been up to the past few days. Well, that and job seeking. As you can <a href="/audio.php">hear ...
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Beer, etc.

Just a few thoughts for your consumption: First, I want to publicly announce that I am switching from Bud to Miller (in the cheap beer category), solely because of their ad campaign. I just saw a commercial today where Miller declared that it is running for "President of Beers." Apparently, they feel Bud is wrong for calling itself "King of Beers" in a democracy. That's pretty good.
Also, did anyone see the news story about ...
Read more : Beer, etc. | Views : 2140 | Replies : 2 | Forum : General - Chris Boylan

The Family Guy Returns

After hearing rumors about this for many months, it looks like Fox has made it official - The Family Guy is returning to Fox next spring with all new episodes. While the rumors have been old news, this article in the Star-Ledger(at the bottom of the column) seems to confirm it. Rock on.

It was (and now is again)a great show that suffered from being too funny. Quite often it's jokes hit too closely together ...
Read more : The Family Guy Returns | Views : 437 | Replies : 0 | Forum : General - Chris Boylan


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