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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3701
Tonight the Yanks take on the BoSox in game 7, which I will have to watch delayed on TiVo as I am attending a concert. Concert week here in D-Troit. Tonight it's the Strokes at the State Theater. Saturday is the even more anticipated Eddie Izzard at the Music Hall.
As a result, I'll have to hold off my new photo gallery until early next week ish. I know you all can't wait, but this will allow me to upload photos directly to the page with comments. The Program will auto-thumbnail them and everything. Long live PHP. If only I could get this CSS thing worked out so all pages displayed properly.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3689
Some of their playing was a bit off, especially the tempo on one song (Amber theorizes that the lead singer was too inebriated to find the beat, so the band had to slow things up to get him back), but the atmosphere was fun. As an added bonus, The Strokes NEVER do encores. It's just something they don't believe in. ( I happen to agree. If you plan on doing an encore, then it's just part of the show. Encores should be spontaneous.) And last night, they broke that streak. After marveling at the size and excitement of the crowd (in a packed State Theater), they hinted they may come back afterwards, but left the stage without deciding. Still many people left after the lights were turned on. (The staff at the State were told there would be no encore.) A few minutes of raucous cheers later, they returned and brought the house down.
Julian proceeded to climb the speakers and then halfway up the stage wall (possibly on a built-in ladder) before security brought him down. A few speakers were overturned and mic stands broken. Good times.
This alone would have been a good night, but to top it off, I returned to speed through a TiVo'd Game 7 and saw Aaron Boone hit a walk-off series winning home run at 2:30 in the morning. All in all, it made me a zombie Friday - but it was definitely worth it.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3677
For those of you who have never seen it, go out and rent or buy "Dress to Kill" as soon as possible. The Emmy Award winning performance was outstanding as Izzard took viewers on a long and convoluted ride through history, transvestism (is that a word?), French (the language), and other stuff that was merely odd. Throughout all of it, however, it seemed as if he was always driving to his central point of the difference between America and the R.O.W. (Rest of World). In "Sexie" there was no such central force.
There were funny parts, and I laughed heartily - but I never felt that "wow" that I got from Izzard at the end of "Dress". It was kind of the same thing I got from "Circle". Funny, but not amazing. Which makes you wonder if "Dress to Kill" was magical happenstance not to be reproduced and "Sexie" and "Circle" are more along the lines of what is to be expected. A good time? Yes. A disappointment? That as well.
P.S. I hate Jim Fassell and I hate the New York Giants.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 183