I'm off for NYC to celebrate the nuptials of one Harry Kapsalis and Robin Ostrowski(sp?). It will be a whirlwind time of New York goodness. Hopefully I shall return with NYC pix and stories of whimsy. The Giants and Fordham Rams both have the weekend off, so I had to fill the tremendous football vacuum with something. I may return with good radio stories, so it may be worthwhile. Enjoy the weekend.
I've moved (I believe) the whole site over to PHP, as I accidently started last night. I'm really tired and have probably missed something, so if I have, I apologize. Any emails pointing this out would be greatly appreciated.

As for work, it still is hard, but good things are coming. I should have some good news in a week or two.

When I get time, I've been touching things up. The Contact Page actually works now. You can type stuff in and it will be emailed to me. Good times.

As you can also see the main blog page now fits in with the rest of the site. The child pages (Archives, Comments, etc.) have not been updated, but are next. Any comments on how its starting to look would be greatly appreciated. Also, any time you see something that doesn't look quite right, it probably isn't. You can always leave a comment here, or send me an email from my brandy new Contact Page.

The Office - the hilarious British Comedy that I fell in love with back in the spring - debuts its second season this Sunday at 9PM (as well as about 20 other times during the week). The show is shot like a documentary of the inner workings of a small British paper company and the dialogue is improvised, leading to a similar feel like that of Curb Your Enthusiasm, the HBO comedy. The Office can be found on BBC America. If you have a satellite dish or digital cable, you probably have it, otherwise, you're screwed.

However, the DVD of season 1 has just been released. It contains all 6 episodes and is well worth it. If you don't know where to find it, try google. I shouldn't have to do all of your work for you.

P.S. Season 2 is only 6 episodes as well and is the end of the series. Make sure you catch it as it is entering into the realm of similar hallowed comedies (i.e. Fawlty Towers).