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Site Updates

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<p>Still working on the site. I think I'm gonna change the font to Arial, which would have been remarkably easy if I had used style sheets to start. Lesson learned.</p><p>I have posted three clips to the audio page. They are mp3s of bits I produced or in the case of <b>Lunatic Lotto</b>, times in which I was the "street guy". I have many more here at home, but if ...
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Condo News - Kind of

Permanent link to <a href="">Condo News - Kind of</a>

<p>Well, not much to report on yet, but it looks like I may be shortly selling my condo. Let it be known that on Friday April 25, I was unemployed and owned a condo I couldn't afford (let the record also show that I still like the place, just that I can't afford it - being unemployed and unw***ing to work in Detroit(sub-note: in order to ...
Read more : Condo News - Kind of | Views : 1665 | Replies : 0

I'm Sick

Permanent link to <a href="">I'm Sick</a>

<p>I decided to celebrate my new financial freedom the old fashioned way - I got sick. It started as a bit of a runny nose, then progressed rather quickly to a nasal infection/post-nasal drip (which of course led to an extremely sore throat). Now, I seem to have kicked the most of it, but am still fighting off the remnants of the evil. The side effects have been that ...
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Happy Birthday to Me!

Permanent link to <a href="">Happy Birthday to Me!</a>

<p>Today is my birthday. I completed my 25th year on this planet at some point earlier this morning (I think at 9:19 AM, but that time is probably only a result of my parents making up a time so that I'd stop asking them about it.) and I feel only about a day older than I did yesterday. </p>

<p>I find it a bit odd that I ...
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Permanent link to <a href="">Sold!</a>

<p>Some wonderful news in the "Is Chris Boylan Going to Be Broke?" Department. Yesterday evening, I sold my condo. Come June 30th, I will no longer be held under the oppressive fist of the Countrywide Home Loan Corporation. In addition, it's a pay week from the Bureau of Workers Unemployment Compensation -- so it is all good times here in Michigan. The weather is beautiful (late April/early May is the ...
Read more : Sold! | Views : 1842 | Replies : 0

New Pictures

Permanent link to <a href="">New Pictures</a>

<p>There are some new pictures on the <a href="">images</a> page, proudly displaying my condo pre-renovations. Also, the home page has my favorite Frank's Pizza picture. That's it for now, but I have some post-renovation pictures in development.</p><p>On a non-site note: Believe it or not, I just saw <i>Pretty in Pink</i> for the first time. For those of you who have been living under the same rock as I, <i>Pretty ...
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Dov Davidoff

Permanent link to <a href="">Dov Davidoff</a>

<p>Anybody heard of this guy? I saw him on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn and he was pretty funny. He dropped one joke about Michael Jackson that I shall repeat, but only after the disclaimer that I don't actually endorse pedophilia. (That was just for those who are unfamiliar with humor.) (Also, I will use quotes, yet paraphrase - because I'm too lazy to rewind the TiVo.)</p>

<p>"You know, ...
Read more : Dov Davidoff | Views : 2086 | Replies : 3


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