- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: General
- Hits: 4685
Still on the hitlist --
Finish the template
Bring over audio
Bring over pictures
Set up new blog and import old posts
Visually integrate the forum
Spiffify to the Max!
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: General
- Hits: 4696
What does this mean? It means I can now focus on design and porting over the audio, image gallery and blog sections.
Basically, become a real site again. Except this time, I'm not going to be the only person publishing stuff. I will be joined by at least one other writer/submitter and possibly more.
Also, when this thing is done, I have a few Gmail invites to give away.
But first things, first. Making the site look cooler.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: General
- Hits: 4604
We're just getting started. Look for more changes in the next week. Don't worry, it won't look like this for long.
In the meantime, visit the forum. The link is on the right now.
Or you can visit the news feeds for the five latest Fark.com headlines. It's still kludgy, but things will be getting better.
Also, visit old blogs at www.chrisboylan.com/blog.
I've gotten most of the functionality of the comments link done, but there's a few more bugs to be worked out. The links and news feeds pages are broken now. also the comments thing isn't showing up all the time. however, forum insertion is going fine. Go to the forum and check out the Comments section.