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Giants, Collins Set to Go Separate Ways

Here's an article from the AP, I can't get on BBI to see if there's futher conformation, but it appears as though KC will be released within the next few days:

With Eli Manning in town, Kerry Collins is ready to leave.

Collins, who took the New York Giants to the 2001 Super Bowl, said his goodbyes Monday after five years with the team. While the quarterback wasn't officially released, Collins and the Giants said ...
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Alright, so this draft thing went a bit nuts. The Giants waited at #4, and selected Phillip Rivers -- WITH NO TRADE IN THE WORKS!!! Are you insane Ernie Accorsi? Then, they talk with San Diego and trade Rivers to San Diego for Eli Manning. Okay, good so far.

Until Ernie Accorsi struck. The Giants also gave up their third this year and their FIRST AND FIFTH NEXT YEAR!!!!! WTF!!!!! Why did they give up ...
Read more : ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! | Views : 2300 | Replies : 4

Having any trouble with the board?

In talking to Greg, he said that he had login problems with the board. If you are seeing something similar, please pass the info along. If everything works for me, I presume it to be working overall. If you have ANY problem with the site, DO NOT HESITATE to post it here, or to email me. If you tell me what is wrong, I should be able to fix it. You get a better experience, ...
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Beer, etc.

Just a few thoughts for your consumption: First, I want to publicly announce that I am switching from Bud to Miller (in the cheap beer category), solely because of their ad campaign. I just saw a commercial today where Miller declared that it is running for "President of Beers." Apparently, they feel Bud is wrong for calling itself "King of Beers" in a democracy. That's pretty good.
Also, did anyone see the news story about ...
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The Family Guy Returns

After hearing rumors about this for many months, it looks like Fox has made it official - The Family Guy is returning to Fox next spring with all new episodes. While the rumors have been old news, this article in the Star-Ledger(at the bottom of the column) seems to confirm it. Rock on.

It was (and now is again)a great show that suffered from being too funny. Quite often it's jokes hit too closely together ...
Read more : The Family Guy Returns | Views : 437 | Replies : 0

Blast from the past

Came across your website and just wanted to say hi. Remember me, Sara, I interned at the showgram with you back in the day...but I was there first. I love that you guys are all together in MI. I miss hearing Rocky and Blain's voices her in NYC. Please say hi to everyone for me and tell Al I owe him and email. Since I did the big cross over to TV, I've been ...
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Im doing a major cleaning of my room. I found a box of audio tapes that have various things on it, such as myself singing kareoke to Counting Crows. I've found one from the Showgram on Broadway, another with the South Park Titanic song, another with different characters from the Simpsons saying goodbye. Im guessing you used it as a close a few times.

Do you want any of these tapes?

I also found a ...
Read more : Tapes... | Views : 2192 | Replies : 3

New George W. Bush commercial

While watching Imus on MSNBC this morning, I caught a few Dubya for President commercials. One of them caught my eye, or actually my ear. I'll reproduce to the best of my ability the transcript of the last few sentences of the spot...

"Together, we're moving America forward, and George W. Bush and I approve this message."

Now, this would make sense if this commercial was being narrated by, say Dick Cheney, as it refers ...
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Story of the month !

A 23 year old woman was arrested in Memphis, Tennesee last week for the death of her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend had accused her of stealing MP3's and apparently decided to take justice into his own hands by deleting over 2,000 of her songs from her iPod. Enraged by the loss of three months of downloading, she promptly lost it, stabbing him to death with her iPod!!!

The boyfriend died from "40 to 80 blows to ...
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Blog, Web Hosting, Server, Blah Blah Blah

I don't ask for much. I only ask that people support Dr. Pepper, that my roommates knock before entering my bedroom, and that Chris Boylan host a website that - at least once in a while - makes me laugh. So please stop with all this computer mumbo-jumbo (I've never typed "mumbo-jumbo" before, it was fun!). Or at least supplement the techie info with anecdotes. Anecdotes, Chris, anecdotes!
For example:
Recently, I was outside. While ...
Read more : Blog, Web Hosting, Server, Blah Blah Blah | Views : 2129 | Replies : 3


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