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Pardon Our Appearance

Comments thread for Pardon Our Appearance
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Mohammed on South Park

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=79&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>Been real busy with the project, still a few days from launch.&nbsp; Last minute bugs and all that.&nbsp; Still had enough time to catch Wednesday's episode of South Park - <a title="Washington Post article" href="">Cartoon Wars - Part II</a>. After ...
Read more : Mohammed on South Park | Views : 2075 | Replies : 0

Everybody with a job in radio take one step forward...

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=78&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p><a href="" title="This link will be unreadable in a week. Thanks Fayetteville Observer!">Not so fast Chris</a>.</p><p>Yes, your lovable web host has lost his job as the afternoon jock for <a title="I'm not sure how long this will still be up ...
Read more : Everybody with a job in radio take one step forward... | Views : 2103 | Replies : 2

I like how boogers smell

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=77&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>I just want to warn everyone right off the bat that this is not a metaphor or something.&nbsp; I actually like the smell of boogers.&nbsp; I suspect it comes from the same place where you like your own farts, but ...
Read more : I like how boogers smell | Views : 2168 | Replies : 1

WV Mime Fire Leaves Town Speechless

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=76&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p><strong>Marceau, WV</strong> - A town stands speechless, their empty top-hat at their feet, after news of another mime fire spread from house to house.</p> <p>A silent vigil is being held at the town square a mere 72 hours after the ...
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<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=75&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><script language="javascript" src=""></script>
Read more : Test | Views : 1820 | Replies : 0

Sunday is Launch Day

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=74&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>It looks like we are ready to go tomorrow.&nbsp; We froze the code and were ready for launch today, but we forgot to setup the database on the production server, so that was today.&nbsp; </p><p>Tomorrow (Sunday) we should be ready ...
Read more : Sunday is Launch Day | Views : 2200 | Replies : 0

Where's Kevork?

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=73&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>For long-term readers of the site, you may recognize the name Kevork.&nbsp; Back when I worked on the the <a href="">Rocky Allen Showgram</a> in it's first go-round in afternoons at <a href="">WPLJ</a> in New York, Kevork was the man-on-the-street and ...
Read more : Where's Kevork? | Views : 2263 | Replies : 0

The Coolest Thing on the Internet

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=72&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br />No, I'm not dead.&nbsp; I'm actually in the final stages of something else I've been working on. Well, more like the final stages of the pre-beginning.&nbsp; But with a little luck, I'll have a link to it in about two ...
Read more : The Coolest Thing on the Internet | Views : 846 | Replies : 1

Speed Limit: 17 MPH!

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=71&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>Many people have wondered what the Speed Limit 17 sign to your left means.&nbsp; I'm guessing some haven't even noticed.</p><p>If you look under the menu to the menu of the page on my 2005 design (I'll probably change it again ...
Read more : Speed Limit: 17 MPH! | Views : 2179 | Replies : 0


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