Where's Kevork?

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Where's Kevork?

Postby CommentBot » Wed Jan 11, 06 1:59pm

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=73&Itemid=56">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="http://chrisboylan.com/">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>For long-term readers of the site, you may recognize the name Kevork.&nbsp; Back when I worked on the the <a href="http://rockyallen.com">Rocky Allen Showgram</a> in it's first go-round in afternoons at <a href="http://plj.com">WPLJ</a> in New York, Kevork was the man-on-the-street and the holder of the chair that I some day wanted to sit in.&nbsp; Eventually, I kinda did, but in Detroit.&nbsp; You can hear some examples of my street stuff and bits in <a href="http://chrisboylan.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=50">my audio section</a>.</p><p>Well, Kevork disappeared for awhile, we think to France, and no one heard from him.&nbsp; Which was funny, because <a href="http://chrisboylan.com/images/misc/davidgest.php">this page of a Kevork hobby</a> on my old site (sort of broken, but still viewable) ended up being the second search result on google for George Guldalian, his real name.&nbsp; </p><p>Where is he now? On the Food Network, tonight at 10PM...<br /></p> <p>You can <a href="http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_hs/text/0,2763,FOOD_24696_39932,00.html">view his Food Network page</a> and see a sample of what he is going to do. At least I think that's what he's going to do.&nbsp; He's always been more of a TV or Film guy than radio (he worked at SNL for awhile).&nbsp; Here he combines the street stuff with cooking, which is a hard combo, but he'll be able to pull it off.</p><p>Kevork becomes the third person to get a big-time TV gig that I know.&nbsp; He joins Tony Reali of ESPN's Around the Horn and Spero Dedes - the play-by-play voice of the Los Angeles Lakers.&nbsp; But my career's going just fine, why do you ask?</p><p>In a somewhat related note, in less than a week, I will need beta testers for a new thing I'm working on.&nbsp; If you have a website, blog (preferably one of those two) or even just an interest in stupid/funny stories, <a href="http://chrisboylan.com/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=52">contact me</a> with your email address and I'll set you up when it starts (We're shooting for Fri the 13th or Sat the 14th).&nbsp; Or you can just reply to this post and I'll email you through the forum if you've registered.&nbsp; (Note: don't post your email address as it will be picked up by tons of spammers.&nbsp; A good rule of thumb is to never put your email address on a website.)</p><p>It will be in total beta - probably closer to alpha.&nbsp; Everything should work, but it will be a little rough around the edges.&nbsp; We hope to polish it up within the next few weeks, but we want feedback on how it works now. &nbsp; So be one of the first people to join.&nbsp; Then, when it's huge and there are 100,000 users, you can still be user #7 or something.<br /></p>
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Joined: Mon Nov 10, 08 2:39am

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