Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

This is where article comments will be kept.

Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Thu Jun 11, 09 10:03am

Hi Chris!

Still not working for me...
With new version v2.1 I have still same issue.

Waiting for you to add this to plugin: Allow comments to be turned off on a category, section, or article basis

If you will need help on this send me PM or e-mail.

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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Thu Jun 11, 09 10:07am

When I tried to register on your Bug Tracker, I've got this error:

Fatal error:
Uncaught Error of type [Swift_ConnectionException] with message [The SMTP connection failed to start []: fsockopen returned Error Number 111 and Error String 'Connection refused']
@0 require_once() in /home/cboylan/public_html/task/index.php on line 149
@1 Notifications::Create() in /home/cboylan/public_html/task/includes/ on line 330
@2 Notifications::SendEmail() in /home/cboylan/public_html/task/includes/class.notify.php on line 39
@3 Swift::Swift() in /home/cboylan/public_html/task/includes/class.notify.php on line 286

in /home/cboylan/public_html/task/includes/external/swift-mailer/Swift/Errors.php on line 99
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Chris » Thu Jun 11, 09 12:41pm

Ugh. I know I need to do a lot of work on this, but I'm currently in a tent at Bonnaroo on my iPhone. Hopefully next week I'll fix the bugtracker and the plugin.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 9, 09 6:53pm

Added one line after
function plgContentBoylanComments(& $article, & $params, $page=0 )
if (!is_null($article->id))

containing sections I would like to be served:

if (($article->sectionid == 10 )|($article->sectionid == 6 )|($article->sectionid == 12 )|($article->sectionid == 11 ))

and closed one bracket at the end of file

and now I have selective comment creation.


Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Mon Jul 13, 09 4:46pm

Thank you Guest,

This is very good. Now, I don't have issue with my frontpage, and there are new topic for very article in my web page.

But, one new issue: now I'm missing link in article to my forum. Any idea about that?
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Jenna. » Tue Jul 28, 09 4:06pm

Hi there, I have recently installed your plugin to a fresh/test Joomla site, along with a fresh install of phpbb3 in order to test the Joomla/phpbb3 comments.

However, Im having the same problem as the second poster, that everytime the Joomla site is accessed, the same 5 topics are being spammed in the forums on every refresh.

All table prefixes are set to jos_ , and I have reinstalled everyhing twice now and still no avail. :( Any suggestions when you have a spare few minutes? Thanks in advance.

The forums url is below.

Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Sat Aug 8, 09 6:02pm


It's really getting ugly in this forum. Chris, pls do something!
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Chris » Mon Aug 10, 09 2:12pm

Bluegene --

I know. I started to install the manual question mod, which would have stopped all the automated bots, but I ran out of time. I made the fatal mistake of taking 2 separate 3 week vacations this summer, which meant I've been basically slammed with double work whenever I'm home. The bots have even passed the captcha to register and start new topics, so to stop this I defintely need to install a mod.

Right now I'm in a hotel lobby in Seattle, waiting to visit the Space Needle and then transfer to a hotel closer to the airport tonight. If they have WiFi, I might get a chance to actually work on the forum. Regardless, I return to New Jersey on August 25th - at which time I swear I'll actually update the mod and fix the forum and all that other stuff.

Thanks for hanging in there,

I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Fri Aug 14, 09 6:28pm

Hello Chris!

Bug tracker is still not working...

I'll post my issues / thoughts here:


**Issue:** Missing "Post a Comment" at the end of article
**Reproducibility:** phpbb-joomla-comments-v0.21 (Boylan Comments v0.21)
**Comparison: **Compared to v0.1, this version does not show Post a Comment tag, however it is posting threads in Forum each time for new Article.

**Phpbb3 Version:** 3.0.5 (latest to this date)
**Phpbb3 Mods:** none

**Joomla version:** Joomla! 1.5.3 Production/Stable

Only difference which I can notice between v0.1 and v0.21 is that in v0.21 is fixed MySQL debug message showing 1st time on top article.



**Issue:** Allow comments to be turned off for category or section
**Reproducibility:** phpbb-joomla-comments-v0.21 (Boylan Comments v0.21) & phpbb-joomla-comments-v0.1 (old comments plugin)
**Comparison: ** Both versions are working correctly with this modification (see below).

**Phpbb3 Version:** 3.0.5 (latest to this date)
**Phpbb3 Mods:** none

**Joomla version:** Joomla! 1.5.3 Production/Stable

by Guest, posted here earlier


function plgContentBoylanComments(& $article, & $params, $page=0 )
if (!is_null($article->id))

Add this:

if (($article->sectionid == 10 )|($article->sectionid == 6 )|($article->sectionid == 12 )|($article->sectionid == 11 ))

and closed one bracket at the end of file >> I skiped this, because it's already there

**Status:** Fixed with above modification.

**Request:** Can you add it in Module interface for easier configuration?

This MOD is working like a charm for me!



**Issue:** phpBB Debug notice
**Reproducibility:** phpbb-joomla-comments-v0.1 (old comment plugin)
**Comparison: ** Compared to v0.21, this new version does not show this annoying notice.

**Phpbb3 Version:** 3.0.5 (latest to this date)
**Phpbb3 Mods:** none

**Joomla version:** Joomla! 1.5.3 Production/Stable

**Error message on top of new article:**
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home...[redacted].../public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 359: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/...[redacted].../public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 362: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

**Status:** Fixed in v0.21



- Chris, as I'm using version v0.1 due to first issue (v0.21 is not showing "Post a Comment"), can you pls give me instruction how to fix phpBB Debug issue in v0.1, or
- can you give me temporary solution for not showing "Post a comment" issue in v0.21

Anyway, plugin is great, working great with few workarounds (section ID mod etc).

Language pack for Croatian (front-end only):

English: Post a comment
Croatian: Komentiraj...

English: Read the ' . $numreplies . ' Comments for this article
Croatian: Procitaj ' . $numreplies . ' komentar(a) na ovaj clanak

English: Comments thread for
Croatian: Komentari na clanak:

(I didn't find a way to correctly display Croatian diacritical mark so here are translations to show it without diacritical marks)
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Fri Aug 14, 09 6:48pm

and one more:


Proposal: Add article description in forum thread
Current: Not supported in v0.21
Expected: Possibility to turn ON/OFF this function. Add Meta Description, or Intro text in first post in forum thread.

$intro = $article->intro;
or smthing like this
insert into
$articleMessage = //intro text// <br><br> <a href="original article page">Read full article</a>


Proposal: Possibility to change code page (character encoding) in Module configuration page
Current: Not supported in v0.21, currently supporting only UTF8
Expected: Support for other character encoding (Central European, Western)

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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Chris » Fri Aug 28, 09 4:08am

Bluegene -

Thanks for your work. I'm finally back from my trip. Give me a couple days to catch up on my work backlog and then I'll fix all these bugs Ive been lazy about. Also, maybe I'll finally install that spam question thing Ive been mentioning. Hopefully then we wont see 30 pages of spam in this thread.

Again, thanks for keep on this.

I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby Guixe » Wed Sep 2, 09 6:08am

Hi, I am using Boylan Comments in my website, is very useful, and it works perfectly =)
I think it would be interesting for the plugin to post the different section's articles (or categories' articles) of the Joomla Main Page in different phpbb3 forums ^^
Thanks for your fantastic plugin

See you!
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Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby blackheartmachine » Wed Sep 9, 09 6:50pm

Hi, first time poster long time user of Boylan Comments. Have been using it for quite some time and found it very useful. However I had some problems I fixed/hacked today and thought I'd share.

My Joomla install is in a subdirectory so the commentbot created the wrong links to the articles, i.e

In order to fix this I added

Code: Select all
   $articleLink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute(...);
   $articleLink = ereg_replace('subdirectory/', "", $articleLink);
   $articleURL = JURI::base();

At line 101, where subdirectory is the name of the subdirectory Joomla lives in.

With that fixed I saw Bluegene's description post and thought that that was a good idea so I added this

Code: Select all
   $articleDescription = $article->metadesc;
   $articleMessage = "Comments thread for [url=" . $articleURLnoslash . $articleLink . "]" . $articleTitle . "[/url]" . "\n" . $articleDescription;

At line 104. Now I get a commentbot post with the correct link and the metadata description of the article. I think this could be implemented in the admin back-end as an easy on/off switch.

I also changed the comments text to spanish for my site. If anyone's interested in those I'll post them.

Thanks for the great plugin Mr. Boylan and I hope you get the time to keep working on it.

Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby poposai » Wed Oct 7, 09 12:37pm

this is great!!! can u create plugin 4 fluxbb forum?

Re: Using phpBB as your Joomla Comments Engine

Postby bluegene » Sat Oct 31, 09 12:06pm

[quote="blackheartmachine"]With that fixed I saw Bluegene's description post and thought that that was a good idea so I added this

$articleDescription = $article->metadesc;
$articleMessage = "Comments thread for [url=" . $articleURLnoslash . $articleLink . "]" . $articleTitle . "[/url]" . "\n" . $articleDescription;

At line 104. Now I get a commentbot post with the correct link and the metadata description of the article. I think this could be implemented in the admin back-end as an easy on/off switch.[/quote]

This is great! Just what I needed. Thank you blackheartmachine.

I've modded it just a little bit:
[code]$articleDescription = $article->metadesc;
$articleMessage = "Comments thread for [url=" . $articleURLnoslash . $articleLink . "]" . $articleTitle . "[/url]" . "\n\n" . "In short:\n" . $articleDescription;[/code]

Where 1st tread is looking like this:

Comments thread for Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

In short:
Sed non lectus metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean neque neque, blandit et bibendum sit amet, ullamcorper eget augue. Duis vulputate mattis pretium. In eleifend pulvinar arcu, sed lobortis tortor feugiat id. Mauris sagittis nunc sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer convallis eros gravida quam tristique id mattis lacus vehicula. Aliquam vestibulum nibh sit amet risus pretium nec venenatis leo blandit. Pellentesque nunc nibh, condimentum in rutrum sed, varius et lacus. Morbi at imperdiet velit. Mauris rutrum, ipsum a posuere facilisis, ipsum nisl euismod mi, id porttitor nulla diam volutpat mauris. Nunc at massa elit. Vivamus tincidunt sagittis quam, eu congue neque congue id. Morbi rutrum velit vitae libero dictum blandit. In vehicula, lacus lobortis rhoncus accumsan, massa libero malesuada magna, et placerat ligula ante eu eros. Quisque at sem non lacus bibendum tristique. Aliquam aliquam laoreet enim, non lacinia ipsum ultrices non. Nunc vitae vestibulum nulla. Phasellus sollicitudin consequat elit id aliquet.

So basically, in 1st thread is posted whole text from your Meta description.
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