- Now for some serious hackery:
content.html.php -- line 16 ---After ---- defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); --- add ---- $phpbb_root_path = "/home/USERNAME/public_html/components/com_forum/"; $phpbb_rel_path = "/components/com_forum/"; $phpEx = "php"; include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'integrate.inc'); include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/common.' . $phpEx); include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/posts.' . $phpEx); include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/users.' . $phpEx);
You must change $php_root_path to reflect the path from the root of your server to the main forum directory. If you're using Cpanel or many other linux installations, the root path will be similar.
The above code includes all the necessary files to make this work. If you have errors at this point, it is probably because the path to these included files or the phpbb root path is wrong. The site may look weird, but don't worry, we're just trying to avoid PHP errors at this point. Fairly simple so far.
at about line 516 --- after --- HTML_content::TOC( $row, $params ); --- add --- $optionvar = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option', "" ); $taskvar = mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'task', ""); if ( $optionvar == "com_content" && $taskvar != "blogsection" && $taskvar != "blogcategory") { $itemidvar = mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', ""); $idvar = mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'id', ""); $thread_id = GetMessage($row->id, FORUM-ID, COMMENTBOT-ID, "$row->title", "Link back to the article.
(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)
(PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan)
".$row->text, 0, NOTIFICATION-ID); $commentcount = 0; if ($thread_id = GetThread("$idvar")) { $thread = phpbb_fetch_topics($thread_id); $commentcount += ($thread?$thread[0]['topic_replies']:0); } $viewcomment = "View ".$commentcount . " Comment".($commentcount != 1?'s':'') . ""; $postcomment = "
Post a comment
(PhpBB Joomla Comments by Chris Boylan)"; $row->text = $row->text.$viewcomment.$postcomment; }
This is where we enter wackyville. Fluffy has some good explanations here.
First, it's trying to determine if you are viewing the content in com_content. This prevents Mambo from putting comment tags under newsflashes, weblinks and everything else under the sun. If you want comments for other things, add their option name in the "if..." line.The next few lines are getting the information you need to create the link back to the page from the forum. You're going to have to do some other hacking later on to make this stuff all work, so don't worry if stuff gets broken now.
The $thread_id line is a function in integrate.inc. This is doing the bulk of the work.
FORUM-ID - replace with the ID # of your newly created comments forum.
COMMENTBOT-ID - replace with ID # of your CommentBot.
NOTIFICATION-ID - replace with your user ID. This will ensure you get emails when people reply to your posts.
PhpBB/Joomla Comments
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Code
- Hits: 96726
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