This may get long and tedious, so read it first before attempting. Also, reading Fluffy's how-to might help you get a little background info as well (since this is simply that hack stolen and modified for Mambo).

Let us begin...

    1. Install Phpbb_fetch_all and Insert Post. You can use the originals, but they refer to 'user_id' the id # used in PhpBB, instead of 'id' the id # used in Mambo. I recommend you use the modified versions I created. Simply unzip the file and upload it to your com_forum directory.
    2. Upload my modified to com_forum/
    3. Create a table in database (I use MySQL - no warranties for other databases. Well, no warranties for MySQL either.) You can do so by command line or through PHPMyAdmin or something similar in your control panel.
      CREATE TABLE phpbb_integrate (source CHAR(50), topic INT, url VARCHAR(250));
    4. Create a new "Comments" forum in PhpBB. Only allow administrators to post.
    5. Create a new user - "CommentBot" or something similar. It does not have to be an administrator to post, it does not even have to be able to login. However, if you want it to post HTML to the forum, you will either have to enable HTML for all users, or make it a MOD or ADMIN and add a HTML for ADMINs hack (described later). I heartily recommend you allowing it to post HTML, or your posts in the forum will be a MESS.