Yes, your lovable web host has lost his job as the afternoon jock for In a format change, I was laid off. Now, I know you are now worried for me. Don't. Well if you were actually worried for me you don't have to be.
Because I didn't quit - and I have gotten very close to doing so almost every day over the last 18 months since I first was fired by Cumulus - I got my severance and I will be allowed to collect unemployment. So, I basically just got a six-month paid vacation from a job I hated.
Now, it won't actually be a vacation because I have been working on a side project on weekends for the past few months. Now I will be able to devote my full time and attention to it so we can have a full launch soon. So I may actually be busier than before. And I will be happier than before.
Good times, Great oldies!.
You might want to check Google Maps for Fayetteville, NC. You may be able to see my smile from space.