What has Chris been doing?

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What has Chris been doing?

Postby CommentBot » Sun May 22, 05 10:00pm

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=2">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>So what has Chris been doing the past couple of weeks that has kept him so busy?</p>
<p>This: The <a href="http://goswampdogs.com/index.php">New Website of the Fayetteville Swampdogs</a>. You can <a href="http://goswampdogs.com/index.htm">visit their old one</a> to compare.</p>
<p>The really good news is that it is teaching me even more about how Mambo works, and has convinced me that the move to Mambo for my site back in January was the best move since the addition of the forum to this site. The comical thing is that both moves were done on a lark with no significant preparation.</p> <p>I guess that's the really good thing about having a personal site. I can experiment and mess things up and it's only my site, so who cares? I can't fool with other people's sites like I can mine. Unfortunately for you, that means from time to time, things will be broken or at the least, goofy-looking.</p>
<p>I still haven't found a WYSIWYG I like yet, and I'd much rather use one than the plain text editor I'm using now, which forces me to type in paragraph tags before and after each paragraph. This is 2005.</p>
<p>Anyway, if you have a chance, take a look at the new Swampdogs site, and give me any feedback you may have here. It is only about 75% finished, but it is starting to really take shape. It doesn't go live for a little while still, so I still can change things up.</p>
<p>Back to coding.</p>
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Postby Jon » Mon May 23, 05 1:55pm

looks great. your mambo skills are certainly grand. i especially like the bling factor of having your name as the "designed and hosted by" designee.

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Postby dd » Mon May 23, 05 9:55pm

your site is more pleasing to the eye. I enjoy that when you click on a tab on the far left the baseball goes to the other side.

way to go big bro.
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Postby bitsy » Tue May 24, 05 11:48pm

site looks totally g topher - good job.

but the real point of this was to tell you that newsradio and the job are both out on dvd now. not much else to tell you, but i thought you'd like to know.
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