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Postby Blog » Mon Mar 22, 04 7:54am

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Ugh</a>

<p>Being largely unemployed can lead to long sections of nothing important happening in your life. So it has been for a few weeks. When you throw in a little March Madness, specifically the orgy of games from the first round this past weekend giving you no reason to leave the house, you can end up with seven days passing and not one definable thing actually happening. This appears to be the case with me. About all that I can think of actually occuring is me trashing yet another TiVo hard drive, much to Amber's chagrin. Then, I spent the last two days repairing what I did and getting the video off the 5 hard drives I have messed up in the past few months. Currently, I am burning those old and thought lost-forever shows to DVD for viewing pleasure over the next few days. </p>

<p>After this, I really have nothing else going on. Not that I necessarily lack options, I just don't like them. I realize that this is whining - "Poor me, I have too much free time, " but at least when you're working you're too distracted to realize that you're wasting your life away. Even worse, I have things to look forward to in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>Tue - Death Cab for Cutie concert<br />
Sun - The Darkness in Concert <b>ROCK ON!</b><br />
End April/Early May - Hopefully a two week drive across the country. I'm heading to California for Coachella, a big music festival in SoCal - and if I'm still unemployed (highly likely) and I can convince Amber it's a good idea I want to drive from Michigan, thru St. Louis, dip thru Texas, stop at the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas before continuing to Indio, CA for Coachella. Then, on the way back, visit LA, head north on the PCH to San Fran, turn west thru Utah and Colorado, stop at Denver, maybe Yellowstone and then drive through the uselessness that is Nebraska and Iowa before getting home. Having never seen much of this country, I figure if I don't do it now I never will.</p>

<p>Plus, I'm becoming more knowledgable in web design and more importantly, web programming. Throw in learning to invest in stocks and options, and I guess I'm not really wasting my life after all.</p>

<p>Thanks, me. You've made me feel much better. And thanks to all for following along for my mini-crisis.</p>

<p>P.S. The Box office returns for the weekend have come in, and <em>Dawn of the Dead</em> has overtaken <em>The Passion of the Christ</em> for first place. <em>Christ</em> has only fallen the one spot to second. The lesson learned here by Hollywood? Clearly, people want more more movies about life after death. Also, when presented with possible option of after death whether you go to Heaven or you eat other people... more people are going with the whole "biting the living" thing. I so have to see that movie.</p>

<p>I just think that it is such a fair fight (Undead vs. The Living). Sure the Undead may outnumber you, but they're not smart and they're really slow-moving. You can fight them off with guns, but they have to catch up to you and then bite you. So, really - if they get you it was simply poor planning on your part. I mean, if you can survive the onslaught of the undead by building a false wall and blocking off one wing of a mall, then its really not like it's an unfair match. That's all I ask for - weird handicaps resulting in a fair fight. Like in Robocop. He's only one guy, and he's really slow... but he's covered in armor, has a great gun and aim, and has all the time in the world to get you. (This all presumes that Robocop 3, the flying Robocop movie, never happened. It's for the best if we all just pretend it never even existed.)</p>
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Postby greg » Mon Mar 22, 04 11:50am

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this, but someone told me the Office 2nd Season is coming out in April on DVD.
Sorry about your life Chris. Mine is pretty much the same, but with a mountain of debt and no girlfriend (I do have two stuffed animals). I console myself in the knowledge that I have a normal-sized head.
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Postby bitsy » Mon Mar 22, 04 11:26pm

i think greg's comment deserves a "ZING!" at the end.

ps - chris the whole username thing is still giving me guff.
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Postby Chris » Tue Mar 23, 04 3:09am

Two Comments:

1. The Death Cab For Cutie concert is next week, not this Tuesday.
2. Anybody notice that Jon Stewart used my Dawn of the Dead/Passion of the Christ joke to open Monday's show? Got a decent laugh too.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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Postby dd » Wed Mar 24, 04 12:26am

As soon as he said that I was pretty sure I heard that before. And I thought it was you, I wasnt sure. Also Allison and I thought of you as we watched the Ed Helms Digital Watch on HDTV's.
Your agenda of hope just made me shit my pants. -Jon Stewart
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