Too Late with Adam Carolla

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Too Late with Adam Carolla

Postby CommentBot » Mon Aug 8, 05 11:02pm

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=63&Itemid=2">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>I cannot wait for this show to start tonight.&nbsp; I absolutely cannot wait.&nbsp; But I will wait until tomorrow because I have to go to sleep early.</p><p>Adam Carolla finally gets his own TV show, and it follows the Daily Show at 11:30PM on Comedy Central.&nbsp; I was a little pissed when Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn got taken off the air, but this might just make up for it. You can view some videos at the <a href="">Comedy Central Adam Carolla page</a>.&nbsp; </p><p>Hopefully they have the commercial where Adam explains that he's seen quite a few horses and has seen all of them take dumps, however he has seen thousands of squirrels, but he has never seen one take a dump in his life.<br /> </p> <p>Now maybe I'll stop having to download tons of Loveline MP3s to get my Adam Carolla fix.&nbsp; He may be the funniest man in the country.&nbsp; Throw in that he may be replacing Howard Stern in L.A. and the West Coast means... well, something.&nbsp; But I almost have a man crush on him he's so funny. </p><p>Needless to say, it has gotten Season Pass on the TiVo.<br /> </p>
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Postby Jon » Tue Aug 9, 05 11:16am

I watched it last night. I won't ruin it for you, but I think you'll be satisfied. I didn't, however, manage to catch the phone number for call-ins. Anyone catch it?

That whole man-crush thing is slightly disturbing, however.
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Postby Chris » Wed Aug 10, 05 11:56pm

I'd have to say that I was pretty disappointed in the first night. You could tell he was nervous, but Tuesday was better. The bits were better, the callers/interaction was better - but the interviews need work.

Basically, if he calms down and just relaxes like on Loveline, he'll be fine. He's just struggling with things like looking at the camera and stuff.

Overall, in a week or two, I think the show will be cruising and good for five to six hearty laughs a night.

I love "Adam explains things to a 1780s guy" as well as his hang up on one bad caller -- "Thanks a lot, Mark. Hey, call again! Just not this show."
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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