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Postby Blog » Wed Mar 10, 04 9:23am

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Taxes</a>

<p>I'm in the process of doing my taxes this evening and it has been a chore to say the least. Not that it is easy for everyone, but I have to also balance three W-2s from two jobs and unemployment. I was overwithheld from Disney (last Jan) and withheld nothing from unemployment. Throw an IRA conversion from a 401k to a Roth IRA, making the amount taxable, selling my home, moving to an apartment and all of the mortgage deductions, credits and income those things entail.. and you get results that are a bit wacky. </p>

<p>I used some Tax software, but the answers seemed a bit off. I am owed about $130 from the Feds, but I came up short $484 to Michigan. That sucks. And is wrong. </p>

<p>After doing some stuff by hand, I owe MI $160, not $484. Umm, yeah... while bordering on unemployment, $320 is a pretty big deal. So, just a warning -- fear your returns. And don't trust computers. And covering your desk and surrounding floor with dozens of piles of papers is a good thing.</p>

<p>P.S. I know I promised an Amber story, but the taxes stuff threw me off. I'll mock Amber tomorrow.</p>
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Postby bitsy » Thu Mar 11, 04 7:25pm

i'm having trouble wiht my username. I made one awhile ago, but forgot the password. when i had a new one e-mailed to me, it didn't work. I also just tried creating a whole new account - but the same e-mail address would have to be used and the program said that was a ng (no good). so if you could get on that and figure out what i'm doing wrong that'd be great, mmmkay?
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Postby bitsy » Thu Mar 11, 04 7:26pm

i forgot to mention that this is Allison.
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Postby Chris » Fri Mar 12, 04 10:11am

I'll look into it later today or tomorrow. I'm heading off to a computer show (my new computer just got here) and have a night of festivities planned, so it may take a day.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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