So, I'm a Stand-Up Comic

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So, I'm a Stand-Up Comic

Postby CommentBot » Mon Mar 14, 05 12:37am

<p><a href="/index.php?option=com_frontpage&task=&id=&Itemid=1">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)</font></p><p>Sunday Night I made my stand-up comedy debut at IT'Z in Fayetteville, NC. I was hilarious. And by hilarious I mean more nervous than I've ever been in my life (except for the time when I was negotiating for my salary for my first job in radio).</p>

<p>My clammy hands freaked out all who dared to shake them. Those people included Steve Baginski, the guy in charge and MC at IT'Z, <a href="">Will Marfori</a>, a comedian with cerebral palsy (who's actually funny, not just someone people laugh at because they're sorry for him) and the angry Italian, <a href="">Vinnie the Hitman</a>.</p>
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Postby dd » Mon Mar 14, 05 1:14am

way to go bro bro! Being funny is one thing, but to get up and share your funny is a whole nother ball of wax.

I'm very proud of you.

In the immortal words of Homer, "BE MORE FUNNY!!"
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Open Mic - so best!

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 14, 05 1:50pm

Chris, I never thought you would dive into the world of stand-up comedy. How many people were in the audience? Did you receive the 'cricket, cricket' or did you receive applause and laughter? Well, if it makes any difference, I'm sure you were hilarious. You're a funny guy, you might as well get on stage and show peolple why!

Can't wait until Thursday!!!!!

Postby rjsmerigan » Mon Mar 14, 05 3:28pm

congrats! how was it really? your fans demand details ... or you could just wait 'till your here in Detroit and tell us at the bar.

add date/time to your blog posts
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Postby Chris » Tue Mar 15, 05 12:16am

Ron -- There should be a date at the bottom of every full article (after you click "Read More". Also, there is a Forgot my password link on the left, below the navigational menu. Or at least there should be.

Everyone else --

There were no crickets, especially during my second set. I got some pretty decent laughs, but definitely no gut busters. On the scale of Nod - Grin - Giggle/Snort - Laugh - Cry - Vomit - I was somewhere between Giggle/Snort and Laugh.

Wow, I like that scale of comedy enough that I think I'll make a whole post out of it. Tomorrow. Until then, I shall just be ripping more CDs for the wonderous IRiver. And procrastinating about my taxes.
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Postby rjsmerigan » Wed Mar 16, 05 9:54pm

yeah ... i'm on crazy pills

ignore my 'suggestions' ... after i went back, i noticed where the items i mentioned were ... i should have know better
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Postby Guest » Sun Mar 20, 05 5:00pm

:cry: :shock:

Postby Jon » Sun Apr 17, 05 5:47pm

Did you ever get any audio of your stand-up session posted? I'd be interested to hear...
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Postby Chris » Sun Apr 17, 05 6:02pm

No audio survived. The first time up there, it was suggested that I put my recorder behind the stage. This was an audio disaster.

The second time, I left it with another comic. When I returned it was no longer recording and the audio was erased. Good times. Vinny the Hitman said he left a little surprise for me before I got it back, so either he erased it to be funny (which is hard because the interface is not intuitive), or he thought he was recording me a message and he accidentally stopped it and erased the previous file.

Next time, I will use a lapel mic and put the recorder in my back pocket.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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