Server Goodness, I think

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Server Goodness, I think

Postby Blog » Mon May 17, 04 6:48am

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Server Goodness, I think</a>

<p>I've been a busy man this weekend, as it looks like I've acquired a new server over to which I can transfer all the hosting accounts. All of the downtime the past few months has sucked, and I've been looking for a way to get us out of Nocster. Well... I found it. If everything goes through tomorrow morning (Monday), I should be able to have everyone flipped over by the end of the week. </p>

<p>What does this mean? Everyone will now get "Fantastico" along with Cpanel - which is just snazzy. Throw in Urchin stats - to view your page hits and bandwidth and you've got a great deal for the same price. On top of that, there's some other pleasant surprises in store. Besides the better uptime, that is. </p>

<p>So, busy-busy. Check back on Wednesday for some more Trip stuff.</p>
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