Redneck Olympics

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Redneck Olympics

Postby Blog » Tue Jul 20, 04 9:59pm

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">Redneck Olympics</a>

<p>Well, well, well. It appears that I have arrived on the scene as a local D-list celebrity. This Saturday, I appeared in the local newspaper as "WKQB-FM personality Chris Boylan". Although I am never actually mentioned <a href="">in the article</a>, I appear in the main picture and am referred to in the caption. I'll explain the what and why later this week. Until then, just bask in my extremely minor celebrity glow.</p>

<p>To reinforce my growing fame, on Saturday I did an appearance at "The Palomino", Fayetteville's Country-Dance-Hall-Get-Drunk-And-Ride-A-Mechanical-Bull Place. We apparently did pretty well, but I suspect it had more to do with the fact we were giving away tickets to the sold-out Kenny Chesney show the next night. I'm mostly guessing that they didn't come there to see me because of the few dozen people I talked with who were "avid listeners" - zero even knew who I was. </p>

<p>I got a lot of questions like, "Where's L.A.? (the guy I replaced - about a month ago)", "If I take the Kix Window sticker, will you stop talking to me?" and "Do you have Coors on tap?"</p>

<p>Hope you're watching The Amazing Race and preparing for the new season of "The Wire".</p>

<p>Plus, here's some more wacky audio of the Kix Morning Crew. <a href="">The Redneck Olympics</a> are a real event, so I recorded this little segment I pulled down off the satellite. Take a listen to this installment of</p>

<p><a href="/media/redneckolympics.mp3">The Redneck Olympics - Audio Bit</a></p>
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Postby marina » Thu Jul 22, 04 6:40pm

i am truly frightened by all this ... countryness

Postby Chris » Thu Jul 22, 04 10:37pm

As well you should be.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
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