Producer / Co-Host Samples

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Producer / Co-Host Samples

Postby CommentBot » Thu Nov 20, 03 8:29pm

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=50">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p><strong>WARNING!</strong> - It may take 10-15 seconds to buffer a file before it starts playing over a cable/DSL/network connection.</p>
<h3 style="text-align:center"><a href="/ChrisBoylanWebResume.doc" style="text-align:center;text-decoration:underline;color:#ff0000;">Download My Resume</a></h3>
<hr />
<h4 style="text-align:center;">Demo</h4>
<ul id="audio">
<li id="audio"><a href="">Demo</a> <br />
This is an example of some of my work, including on-air, production, bits (written and voiced), and street clips. Some clips are also found in long-form on this page.</li>
<p>As Executive Producer of the <a href="">Rocky Allen Show</a> I was responsible for daily show prep, writing and producing comedy bits, contributing on-air and booking guests like...</p>
<table align="center"><tr><td><img src=""width="50" height="50" hspace="6" alt="Image" title="Image" border="0" /></td><td><img src=""width="50" height="50" hspace="6" alt="Image" title="Image" border="0" /></td><td><img src=""width="50" height="50" hspace="6" alt="Image" title="Image" border="0" /></td><td><img src=""width="50" height="50" hspace="6" alt="Image" title="Image" border="0" /></td></tr></table>
<br /> <h4 style="text-align:center;">Sidekick Comedy (Sitting down and being funny in the studio)</h4>
<ul id="audio"><li><a href="">Carneys</a><br />
While everyone loves a carnival, no one really wants to be a Carney when they grow up. Instead, they want to grow up and get a job that lets them point and laugh at the carney-folk. (Voices are Rocky Allen and Me - Rocky's the deep one)</li>
<li><a href="">Old Man Climbs Mt. Everest</a><br />
Sometimes, sitting in the studio means dropping a one-liner. (Voices: Rocky and Me)</li>
<li><a href="">Winona Ryder and Pete Yorn</a><br />
Other times, sitting in the studio means dropping a half-liner. (Voices: Rocky and Me)</li>
<h4 style="text-align:center;">Produced Bits (Coming up with a dumb idea, then making others listen to it)</h4>
<ul id="audio">
<li><a href="">Saddam the Musical</a><br />
Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel that was turned into a play in Baghdad. Rocky said there was no way I could write a funny bit about a Saddam Hussein musical, so I proved him wrong. (Voices: Rocky, Blain Ensley, Me | Bit: Voices: Shawn, Jackie Gilbert, and Me | Writing and Production: Me)</li>
<li><a href="">Funny, Not Funny</a><br />
I didn't voice this little gem, but I did write it and am responsible for it running quickly astray. (Voice: Scott Vertical | Writing, Production: Me) </li>
<li><a href="">The Crisis in the Middle Ear</a><br />
Blain thought of this one after seeing too many CNN graphics with "Crisis in the Middle East". We laughed at the idea, so I wrote a bit. (Voices: Shawn and Me | Writing and Production: Me)</li>
<li><a href="">Beach Report</a><br />
One day in January, it got up to 50 degrees in Detroit, so I wrote and produced this beach report for all those who caught the spring fever. (Voices: Shawn and Rocky | Bit: Me)</li>
<h4 style="text-align:center;">Man on the Street (Armed with a cell phone and no real plan)</h4>
<ul id="audio"><li><a href="">Lunatic Lotto</a><br />
As the "Big Game" multi-state lottery grew bigger, we decided to get our numbers from a different type of "Man on the Street". (Studio: Rocky and Blain | Phone: Me and Rudolph)</li>
<li><a href="">Post Office Pennies</a><br />When the price of stamps went from 34 to 37 cents, I took action and handed out pennies at the Post Office. (Studio: Rocky and Blain | Phone: Me and others)</li>
<li><a href="">Approach the Bench</a><br />
From our studios at WDVD, we often watched the unwashed lounge around on the park benches. So, we created a game (like the Match Game) where a caller had to finish the phrase in the same way as one of these park dwellers for 3 out of 5 questions. (Studio: Rocky and Blain | Phone: Me and Mackey)</li>
<h4 style="text-align:center;">Bumpers and Phone Solicits (We always did all of our own production for the show)</h4>
<ul id="audio"><li><strong><a href="">Phone Solicits:</a></strong><br />
The Rocky Allen Show was very caller driven, so we wanted funny and unique signals to notify listners it was time to call.</li>
<li><strong><a href="">Bumpers:</a></strong> <br />
Click above for four sample bumpers. We also tried to cram a little comedy in any place we could find it to strengthen TSL. </li>
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon Nov 10, 08 2:39am

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