It was Pneumonia.

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It was Pneumonia.

Postby Blog » Fri Jul 30, 04 12:13am

Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="">It was Pneumonia.</a>

<p>My cold was a little worse than originally thought. It may have been a small virus at one point, but by the time I saw the Doc, it was pneumonia. I'm better now, but really tired. I will type more tomorrow.</p>
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Joined: Wed Dec 10, 03 11:22pm
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Fight the power!

Postby Guest » Fri Jul 30, 04 9:53am

Ewww...summer colds are hard to bear, but summer PNEUMONIA? Dude. Here's to feeling better soon...sounds like you are. And a much overdue congrats on impressing the bosses with your humor...and mom told you it wouldn't get you anywhere!


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