I'm employed

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I'm employed

Postby Blog » Thu Dec 11, 03 3:16am

Permanent link to <a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000168.php">I'm employed</a>

<p>It turns out I can find a job. Well actually, a job could find me. I will be spending the next year up here in Michigan, working for the Rocky Allen Show in its current incarnation - a nationally syndicated morning radio show. With all due hope, my banishment in the great midwest will be over in twelve months, as we move the show to a site undetermined early next summer. </p>

<p>However, as for the show - I'm largely in charge of things technical and have spent the last month doing research, building computers, and working on the studio with Blain. We will go on the air in about two weeks, and will be available where you live. However, first you have to convince your local radio station to carry us.</p>
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