I'm Back

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I'm Back

Postby Blog » Thu Dec 11, 03 3:14am

Permanent link to <a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000155.php">I'm Back</a>

<p>The Devils lost, sending the Eastern Conference Finals to a sixth game, where the Devils will again have a chance to advance to the Stanley Cup Finals.</p>

<p>I drove home (to Michigan) and arrived safely, but tired.</p>

<p>My trip home (to Jersey) netted for me three back checks that will probably finance the purchase of stuff I don't need: Item #1 -- a TurboNet card for TiVo. This will give me an ethernet connection to my TiVo, which will let me hack it properly, giving it call-waiting display and (dare I attempt to be in violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act?) extract video.</p>

<p>Plus I took pictures of my stops in Niagara Falls and some other stuff. However, I'm too tired to make this a real post with witticisms and potential insight, so you'll have to do with this for now. I suspect more will follow in the next day.</p>
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