Happy Halloween!
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Happy Halloween!
Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000297.php">Happy Halloween!</a>
<p>It's time to wish you all a Happy Halloween from Bob Ross, PBS's favorite painter. </p>
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That's actually Ron Smerigan, of <a href="http://www.ronrunsthecity.com">Ron Runs the City</a>. When <a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000292.php">he and Liz came by Fayetteville</a>, we watched some episodes of the "Joy of Painting" that I had TiVo'ed. </p>
<p>For those of you who don't know, "The Joy of Painting" is a show that now deceased <a href="http://www.bobross.com">Bob Ross</a> hosted for a long time on how to paint. Actually, it served more as a hypnotizing half-hour as Ross whispered monotone about how he loved to paint while viewers drifted into sleep. I can think of no better way to ease into a nap than watching Bob create a mountain. Ah, Bob Ross, how we miss you. Except for the fact you appear to be alive and well in Michigan.</p>
<p>Great costume, Ron.<br />
<p>It's time to wish you all a Happy Halloween from Bob Ross, PBS's favorite painter. </p>

That's actually Ron Smerigan, of <a href="http://www.ronrunsthecity.com">Ron Runs the City</a>. When <a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000292.php">he and Liz came by Fayetteville</a>, we watched some episodes of the "Joy of Painting" that I had TiVo'ed. </p>
<p>For those of you who don't know, "The Joy of Painting" is a show that now deceased <a href="http://www.bobross.com">Bob Ross</a> hosted for a long time on how to paint. Actually, it served more as a hypnotizing half-hour as Ross whispered monotone about how he loved to paint while viewers drifted into sleep. I can think of no better way to ease into a nap than watching Bob create a mountain. Ah, Bob Ross, how we miss you. Except for the fact you appear to be alive and well in Michigan.</p>
<p>Great costume, Ron.<br />
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Chris, you're the best. Thanks for giving Ron the props he deserves! His costume was a hit the whole weekend. We got random cheers of "Bob Ross! Yeah!" as we were leaving Boogie Fever on Saturday.
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