Google Search

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Google Search

Postby Blog » Thu Dec 11, 03 3:16am

Permanent link to <a href="">Google Search</a>

<p>AS I said a long time ago, I'm trying to get my site to the first result when you type in "chris boylan". Unfortunately, due some poor coding on my part - I am nowhere to be found under the search for "chris boylan".</p>

<p>--- HOWEVER !!! --- try searching for "chrisboylan" all one word. I come in first place. Goody for me. If you have a website, I would greatly appreciate you linking to me. The only thing that I ask is that when you link to me, make the hyperlink (the words you click on) read "Chris Boylan" with a space. This will help me quite a bit. Ill try to handle the rest.</p>
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