Everybody With A Morning Show, Take One Step Forward
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Everybody With A Morning Show, Take One Step Forward
Permanent link to: <br /><br /><a href="http://www.chrisboylan.com/blog/archives/000290.php">Everybody With A Morning Show, Take One Step Forward</a>
<p>Not so fast, Chris!!!</p>
<p>Yes, Yes, Yes... Chris is not unemployed, quite. However, he no longer will be co-host of the Kix 106.9 Morning Crew. I'm not sure if I can post the details, so you'll have to wait til the weekend, but rest assurred that Chris's life has taken an abrupt and bizarre turn. The Kix 106.9 Morning Crew is no more. </p>
<p>Good news for you, though. This will mean that the rest of my audio will be posted sometime this weekend, allowing you to judge for yourselves the genius of that decision. I think I will be working for the station in another capacity, but I am not sure yet.</p>
<p>In case you are wondering, I worked at WKQB for just under three months. None of that time occurred during a ratings period, so there is absolutely no way to tell if I had an impact, negative or positive. I did some funny stuff (I thought), but it does not matter. I can't say I'm particularly surprised that they would do this, but I was a little surprised at the timing. I guess if I cared what they thought about me, I would be more bothered. Instead, it's just another pile of shit that I have to climb out of. You do what you have to do. Right now, I have to sleep.</p>
<p>Not so fast, Chris!!!</p>
<p>Yes, Yes, Yes... Chris is not unemployed, quite. However, he no longer will be co-host of the Kix 106.9 Morning Crew. I'm not sure if I can post the details, so you'll have to wait til the weekend, but rest assurred that Chris's life has taken an abrupt and bizarre turn. The Kix 106.9 Morning Crew is no more. </p>
<p>Good news for you, though. This will mean that the rest of my audio will be posted sometime this weekend, allowing you to judge for yourselves the genius of that decision. I think I will be working for the station in another capacity, but I am not sure yet.</p>
<p>In case you are wondering, I worked at WKQB for just under three months. None of that time occurred during a ratings period, so there is absolutely no way to tell if I had an impact, negative or positive. I did some funny stuff (I thought), but it does not matter. I can't say I'm particularly surprised that they would do this, but I was a little surprised at the timing. I guess if I cared what they thought about me, I would be more bothered. Instead, it's just another pile of shit that I have to climb out of. You do what you have to do. Right now, I have to sleep.</p>
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Yeah, it was kind of weird. I'm not unemployed though, which is good, I guess. The next morning show will be syndicated, and I'll be running the show as the "Local Producer". To quote <a href="http://www.whatevs.org">Uncle Grambo</a>, "Schmears!"
I'm not really sure how that will play out, but I've edited most of the last breaths of the Kix 106.9 Mornng Crew, and will have them posted by the weekend. Although I may actually make new audio a twice or three times a week thing to drag all you suckers along instead of blowing my wad in the first day.
The really good news is that I'll be able to sleep in a little later, as I don't have to be in until an hour later than I do now. All hail King Sleep!
I'm not really sure how that will play out, but I've edited most of the last breaths of the Kix 106.9 Mornng Crew, and will have them posted by the weekend. Although I may actually make new audio a twice or three times a week thing to drag all you suckers along instead of blowing my wad in the first day.
The really good news is that I'll be able to sleep in a little later, as I don't have to be in until an hour later than I do now. All hail King Sleep!
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
Chris - Site Admin
- Posts: 312
- Joined: Tue Nov 18, 03 1:56am
- Location: Gillette, NJ
whatevs.org is so best. I can't read it at work though. Its blocked by the cyber patrol. So durst.
i dunno if this is new or i just noticed it, but on my address bar, where there usually is the picture of a page infront of the http, there is a CB. THATS SO HOT. Someday I will learn all there is to know about HTML. Right now my website for school has a different font and color than everyone else. Mainly cause I rock and now how to read instructions on how to type HTML.
Someone's house alarm has been going off for about 5 minutes now and its slowly driving me insane. It sounds exactly like beep on your alarm clock. However its for a house so its significantly louder. Oh good news as I type this its getting louder just like my alarm clock. Im pretty sure this isnt a dream. ok it just got really quiet then its getting louder again. OMGWTFBBQ
PS I just picked up a pamphlet from "The Italian AMerican National Shark Tale Boycott" sponsored by the Coalition Against Racial, Religious and Ethnic Stereotyping (CARRES) "What you can do to fight Steven Spielberg's assault on our children." The best part was I picked this up in Dorsi's.
If we cant find it online Ill scan it and send it to you. SO BEST
i dunno if this is new or i just noticed it, but on my address bar, where there usually is the picture of a page infront of the http, there is a CB. THATS SO HOT. Someday I will learn all there is to know about HTML. Right now my website for school has a different font and color than everyone else. Mainly cause I rock and now how to read instructions on how to type HTML.
Someone's house alarm has been going off for about 5 minutes now and its slowly driving me insane. It sounds exactly like beep on your alarm clock. However its for a house so its significantly louder. Oh good news as I type this its getting louder just like my alarm clock. Im pretty sure this isnt a dream. ok it just got really quiet then its getting louder again. OMGWTFBBQ
PS I just picked up a pamphlet from "The Italian AMerican National Shark Tale Boycott" sponsored by the Coalition Against Racial, Religious and Ethnic Stereotyping (CARRES) "What you can do to fight Steven Spielberg's assault on our children." The best part was I picked this up in Dorsi's.
If we cant find it online Ill scan it and send it to you. SO BEST
Your agenda of hope just made me shit my pants. -Jon Stewart
dd - Intermediate
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- Location: Gillette, The Best A Man Can Get, NJ
Hey Chris
Sorry to hear about the bad news. I bumped into your parents last night at a funeral. Got your url from your dad.
I'm lookin forward to listening to some of your audio.
I am in Baltimore, working as a consultant, live in NYC.
In the mean time..... Get Happy.
I post as EJ.
-Erik Jaeger
I'm lookin forward to listening to some of your audio.
I am in Baltimore, working as a consultant, live in NYC.
In the mean time..... Get Happy.

-Erik Jaeger
- EJaeger
Wow! It's Erik Jaeger!
I'm sorry you bumped into my parents at a funeral as well. Whose was it? Mr. Slater? I am so not in the loop with my family. My brother and sisters post here enough so that I am caught up, but my parents refuse to take my calls since I got borderline fired for the third time in 18 months.
Well, I'm in Fayetteville, NC. It's just like Baltimore or New York City, but with a lot less people and none of the interesting parts. Basically, they all have traffic lights.
If you ever want to drive another five hours down I-95, you're more than welcome to stop on by El Casa del Boylano. Until that day comes, you are more than welcome to stop by here and listen to audio of that time when I was on the radio.
In fact, I just uploaded something new right now. Check out the Kix Audio section at the top. I've been editing some old stuff and have four other cuts ready to go, but I like dragging people along.
I'd have to say I'm a little disappointed, however. I would have expected Erik Jaeger to be attempting to overthrow the system, not getting it to run better. Unless your plan is to undermine it by being a bad consultant. That would be evil genius and a bad business plan.
P.S. I love the video of the drunk girl on your site.
I'm sorry you bumped into my parents at a funeral as well. Whose was it? Mr. Slater? I am so not in the loop with my family. My brother and sisters post here enough so that I am caught up, but my parents refuse to take my calls since I got borderline fired for the third time in 18 months.
Well, I'm in Fayetteville, NC. It's just like Baltimore or New York City, but with a lot less people and none of the interesting parts. Basically, they all have traffic lights.
If you ever want to drive another five hours down I-95, you're more than welcome to stop on by El Casa del Boylano. Until that day comes, you are more than welcome to stop by here and listen to audio of that time when I was on the radio.
In fact, I just uploaded something new right now. Check out the Kix Audio section at the top. I've been editing some old stuff and have four other cuts ready to go, but I like dragging people along.
I'd have to say I'm a little disappointed, however. I would have expected Erik Jaeger to be attempting to overthrow the system, not getting it to run better. Unless your plan is to undermine it by being a bad consultant. That would be evil genius and a bad business plan.
P.S. I love the video of the drunk girl on your site.
I'm the Chris Boylan who runs Chris Boylan dot com. So there.
Chris - Site Admin
- Posts: 312
- Joined: Tue Nov 18, 03 1:56am
- Location: Gillette, NJ
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