Cool Things You Should Know

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Cool Things You Should Know

Postby CommentBot » Sun Jul 31, 05 1:19am

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=61&Itemid=2">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /><p>From the <a href="" title="Erik Jaeger and I went to middle school together">Found by Erik Jaeger Dept</a>. --</p><p>&nbsp;<a href="">"Amabuddy</a> is a free price checking service. When you are at a store, call 888-WE SIGNAL, enter the ISBN code (above the barcode), and an automated voice will tell you the current price on Amazon. Next time you are at a computer, go to the <a href="">site</a>, enter your number and it will take you directly to amazon for purchase."</p><p>That's cool.&nbsp; So you now know even at the store what you could be paying online.&nbsp; Plus you can find the price of a book you find at the library too.</p><p>From the <a href="" title="Shawn doesn't have a website">Found by Shawn Polito Dept.</a> --&nbsp;</p> <p><a title="Is that music in your pants?" href="">Try on Gap jeans, get a free iTunes song</a></p> <p>From the <a title="I'm a fake radio DJ!" href="">I watch TV every morning from 6 to 10AM Dept.</a> --</p><p><a title="Reach for the stars baby!" href="">Darla Haun</a> is the unnaturally perky and hapy host of the Ab Lounge infomercial. &nbsp; She looks like this:<div class='mosimage' style='float: right; border-width: 0px; margin: px; padding: px;' align='center'><a href="index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=54&page=view&catid=14&PageNo=1&key=0&hit=1""><img src="" alt="Image here:darlahaun.jpg"></a><div class='mosimage_caption'>darlahaun.jpg</div></div></p><p>With some spare time (shocking) I was able to look deeper into her career.&nbsp; Mostly because I thought I remembered her from something else.&nbsp; <a href="" title="Darla's Resume">I was wrong.</a></p><p>Check out the <strong>last line</strong> in her resume.&nbsp; Yes, this beautiful fitness model/actress can <strong>burp on cue</strong>.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
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