College Graduation

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College Graduation

Postby Blog » Thu Dec 11, 03 3:14am

Permanent link to <a href="">College Graduation</a>

<p>Apparently people like to waste money just like me as evidenced by the replies to the last entry. Good to know.</p>

<p>As for now, I haven't been able to write much as I am in Conneticut for my sister's college graduation. She will matriculate from Quinnipiac University this Saturday (not sure if you matriculate or matriculate from - but I liked the word, so it stays). There have been a bevy of happenings - dentist, drive through Canada, pictures of Niagara Falls, fight with a Maori warrior for the soul of the forest, etc. Plus, the Devils are now up 2-1 in the Conference Finals and looking good. But until Tuesday, I won't have time to type. Until then, you must find other forms of entertainment. Well, not "other", becaue that implies that this is entertaining.</p>
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