Chris has a new job!

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Chris has a new job!

Postby CommentBot » Tue Oct 4, 05 11:36am

<a href="/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=2">Link back to the article</a>.<br /> <font size=1>(Note: This is original version of article. It may have been edited. Click on link above for most recent version.)<br />(<a href="">PhpBB Mambo Comments by Chris Boylan</a>)</font><br /> <p>Calm down, it's basically the same as the last one.</p> <p>You affable and occasionally absentee Web dude is now the afternoon personality for <a href="">Thunder 106.9</a>.&nbsp; I am on from 2 to 7 every afternoon, playing music (some country, some not), taking requests, doing wacky phone calls, and working on three station websites.&nbsp; Good times.&nbsp; <br /></p> <p>The great news is that I now get to sleep in every day, or more accurately - stay up really late doing stuff I should put off to tomorrow.&nbsp; Like writing this little thing.&nbsp; At some point, I hope it leads to me putting a backlog of about 18 months of photos, but I'm not optimistic.&nbsp; </p><p>I have, however, upgraded from Mambo to <a href="">Joomla</a> - which is the same code, with a different name and better trademark.&nbsp; I am doing the same for my stations' sites as well which ties up my days, and I'm breaking ladies' hearts, which ties up my nights.&nbsp; One of those two statements is not true.</p><p>&nbsp;Anyhow, DD is still posting stuff, (see <a href="">Borat</a>), for which I am greatful.&nbsp; I am also working another, much bigger project which was supposed to be ready by Nov 1st, but may be pushed back as much as a month because the Army is annoying with all of their orders and stuff.<br /></p>
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Postby bitsy » Wed Oct 5, 05 12:00pm

yay for chris!!! would your show be broadcast over the internet? (meaning is there a possibility of me listening to it?). and for the record, starting your day afternoon totally kicks ass - i don't know why i didn't realize this sooner, but having classes from 12-4 is infinitely better than the 8-12 shift. so that's the goal for next semester. nothing before lunch. gt. and gj (good job) to you.
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Postby Chris » Wed Oct 5, 05 12:14pm

The chances of my shift being broadcast over the internet are slim to none, and slim just left town. It would cost money which they are not willing to spend, and would be tough to implement.

The biggest problem with radio stations streaming their audio is not just the cost of the bandwidth, but the ridiculously stupid law about commercial voice-overs. Some idiot dedcided that the internet was going to be much bigger than radio, so he set the royalty fee for VO work on the internet at four times what the regualr rate is. So it costs a ton to air a commercial for many less listeners.

So, you have to find a way to split the audio coming out of the board so commercials don't go out over the internet, which is really hard. Then, you are delivering a product, but you've stripped it of the only way you make money, even though it adds to your station's expenses.

Thus, many stations say to just forget it, since many of the listeners would be outside the listening area and not count for ratings anyway.

Yay for us! Why are the people who are in charge of copyrights, and the industries that prop them up so stupid? RIAA, MPAA - I'm looking at you.
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