Anyone want some web hosting?

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Anyone want some web hosting?

Postby Chris » Fri Jan 23, 04 1:00am

I know that some of you who check out this site have your own webpages. With the possibility that I may soon need a new home for this site as well, I have been looking at some providers and almost none provide the price/performance I want with some degree of reliability.

Thus, I have been considering getting my own server and providing hosting to my friends and family. Basically, I plan on absorbing more of the cost because I will use it the most, but if I get 7 people to jump on, I can do it for $10/month each without going broke. If I can get 15, either before we start or anytime after, I would automatically cut everybody's cost to $5/month. Is anybody interested?

I would provide support and software for making your own webpage. You would get a CPanel account (a really simple way to run your site) and would be able to run PHP and MySQL on your site, if you want. If not, you can just do whatever you want - with no intrusive ads, pop-ups or tight limits on space - you'll get 100MB of space to start.

You'll also get your own email addresses - as many as you want - like and . It's all good.

Too much info? Not enough? Ask me questions here or send me an email. If there's enough interest, I'll lay out more details. Remember, you are not obligated to anything by expressing interest.
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Postby dd » Sat Jan 24, 04 10:27am

im interested.

but i do enjoy the easiness of blogger. I know a little HTMl, but I dont think i know enough to make a whole webpage from scratch.
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Postby Chris » Sun Jan 25, 04 7:49pm

Well, it isn't really that hard. Especially if you have an editor, like Front Page or Dreamweaver. Dad has Front Page(a part of Microsoft Office), so you can do it there. There are other ones that I can point people towards that are equally as simple ... and free.

As for how this is going, it looks like this may happen in the next month or so.

Right now, it looks like we have 3 people in at $10, and 3 more people that will join in if the price falls to $5. Throw in a guy who runs a big site who might be interested at $20 (he would have to pay $20 no matter what because of the tremendous load it would put on the server). That leaves us two people away from making it happen. I'm going to call on Monday to make some further inquiries as to the server specs, and then I'd have to do a little more research before I get this thing going. I'd guess the start date for this would be around Valentine's Day.

Thanks for all of the interest so far... it looks like this will actually take off. More details to follow in the next few weeks.
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