Alright, so it isn't fully done.

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Alright, so it isn't fully done.

Postby Blog » Thu Dec 11, 03 3:16am

Permanent link to <a href="">Alright, so it isn't fully done.</a>

<p>The first site I am working on, <a href=""></a> is at least online. The design is primitive, but at least functional. Unfortunately my other work has kept me much too busy to spend a lot of time on it. </p>

<p>For the last few weeks, I have built 11 computers from parts ordered through one of the best computer sites online, <a href=""></a>. In addition, I have (with the assistance of two others) built two radio studios, and set up two networks for the computers. Throw in a move from my domicile of two years, with a reduction in space by half, and you can see why I've been so busy. At some point, Ill take some pix and post them too.</p>

<p>As for the other site, it's launch was delayed for at least a week for marketing purposes. Not that it's ready - but even if it was, I wouldn't be able to show it to you. So, there.</p>
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