Category: General
Hits: 6575

For long-term readers of the site, you may recognize the name Kevork.  Back when I worked on the the Rocky Allen Showgram in it's first go-round in afternoons at WPLJ in New York, Kevork was the man-on-the-street and the holder of the chair that I some day wanted to sit in.  Eventually, I kinda did, but in Detroit.  You can hear some examples of my street stuff and bits in my audio section.

Well, Kevork disappeared for awhile, we think to France, and no one heard from him.  Which was funny, because this page of a Kevork hobby on my old site (sort of broken, but still viewable) ended up being the second search result on google for George Guldalian, his real name. 

Where is he now? On the Food Network, Wednesday January 11th at 10PM...

You can view his Food Network page and see a sample of what he is going to do. At least I think that's what he's going to do.  He's always been more of a TV or Film guy than radio (he worked at SNL for awhile).  Here he combines the street stuff with cooking, which is a hard combo, but he'll be able to pull it off.

Kevork becomes the third person to get a big-time TV gig that I know.  He joins Tony Reali of ESPN's Around the Horn and Spero Dedes - the play-by-play voice of the Los Angeles Lakers.  But my career's going just fine, why do you ask?

In a somewhat related note, in less than a week, I will need beta testers for a new thing I'm working on.  If you have a website, blog (preferably one of those two) or even just an interest in stupid/funny stories, contact me with your email address and I'll set you up when it starts (We're shooting for Fri the 13th or Sat the 14th).  Or you can just reply to this post and I'll email you through the forum if you've registered.  (Note: don't post your email address as it will be picked up by tons of spammers.  A good rule of thumb is to never put your email address on a website.)

It will be in total beta - probably closer to alpha.  Everything should work, but it will be a little rough around the edges.  We hope to polish it up within the next few weeks, but we want feedback on how it works now.   So be one of the first people to join.  Then, when it's huge and there are 100,000 users, you can still be user #7 or something.