We made it!
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3575
Despite some doubts to the contrary, we arrived in Flagstaff at about 11:30 PM last night. That puts us about an hour away from the Grand Canyon - where we will spend the day - and end up in Las Vegas. There are pictures for you to see so far. No descriptions yet, but they will come in the next few days.
A quick recap:
MI - boring, but we knew that (I-94)
IN - short (I-94, I-80)
IL - boring and kinda long. Speed limit was 45 MPH at one point with no construction on an Interstate. (I-80, I-55)
MO - St. Louis and the arch was cool, as was the Mississippi. Parking is free if you park in the river, like we did. Rest of state was decent, most of it was dark. We stayed overnight in Joplin, MO. (I-55, I-44)
OK - Boring but fast. Speed limit was 75, we went 80 with no problem. Hills were made of cool red dirt. (I-44, I-40)
TX - Vast open plains. Lots of cars stopped by cops and being searched. Landscape got cool as we approached NM. (I-40 here on in.)
NM - Landscape was as cool as I imagined. Lots of red, weathered rocks all over. It started to get late, so we couldn't get many pictures. Albuquerque had NO MEXICAN FOOD!! Are you kidding me? Mountains were great though.
AZ - It was dark, we didn't see anything. Yet.
Cell phone coverage was non-existant after OK, except for a few cities. NM was almost completely under construction which cost a few hours. More to come later.
So far, we've been doing it really cheap. Gas was $1.63 in OK. The weather is spectactular (unlike the flurries I hear of in MI).
Off to the Grand Canyon.