Category: General
Hits: 4688
Alright, so things have been fairly busy around here the last few weeks.  I'm struggling to do my taxes (options trades are confusing to file), work has been fairly ridiculous, and I've been preparing for fairly heavily the last week for my debut.

Debut of what?

Well, I hope to make my debut in stand-up comedy Sunday.  I've gotten together a five to ten minute little bit and I went to the local comedy place, where I talked to the MC.  He was really cool and said I can have five minutes this weekend.  Now, I alternate between being very psyched and needing to vomit. 
I tried out the rountine on Amber and she said she liked it, so there's hope I'm not awful.  Whether or not that leads to laughs or if I am able to ever again show my face in public, I guess we shall see.  I'll have some time to ponder it as Amber and I are heading to the MItten to hang out with everybody over St. Patrick's Day and such.

Wish me luck, as I may be able to post some of the audio here is I can record it. 

P.S.  I am upgrading the message board which should eliminate some of the sign-in problems.  Thus, things might be funked up off and on.