Category: General
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A bit of quick business, as the Wire has been oh so thankfully renewed for a fourth season.  Apparently it will focus more on the mayoral race and the rising power of Mario, the remaining major drug dealer.  It's going to be a year until it is seen again, but it will be well worth the wait.

On another note, I have become increasingly fascinated by the writing of Malcolm Gladwell.  I just recently finished reading his book, Tipping Point - which I found fascinating and have reserved his recent release, Blink.  I then was listening to a pretty decent interview on this recent book over at IT Conversations.  If you have a few mintues, try reading this article on his site for a quick look into what he writes and talks about.
I could write pages about his ideas, but I should be sleeping. Why does work have to so consistently the way of leading an interesting life?  I would love for nothing more than to expand my mind  - in the reading way, not the Timothy Leary way, but instead...  never mind.  Rant aborted, for now.  Unfortunately, such interesting reading also manages to completely sap my free time so that I never get anything of substance accomplished - i.e.  taxes, website stuff, computer building, web-hosting credit card processing .  So it goes.  Po-to-weet!