Category: Early
Hits: 3794
On Sunday night, I was witness to true Rock Incarnate! The Darkness came to Clutch Cargo's and rocked the house down as only a band like themselves could. For some cool pictures, check out Go to the bottom of the page, and you'll see a small review with a picture of Justin taken by Big Matt, my friend who was standing about two feet to my right. Awesome. Justin, the lead singer of the Darkness, kicked ass throughout the whole show, in no less than three costume changes, two of which were jumpsuits. The picture was taken during the extended guitar solo, when Justin jumped down off the stage and began playing while riding around on the shoulders of a security guard. As Matt said first, I've never seen a show where so many people were so into the band and having a good time. It was all about group clapping, hand waving, singing along... what a great show with great energy. If you don't know what I'm talking about, find a way to get a hold of their current single, "I Believe in A Thing Called Love", and then repeat it about 20 times as the rock goodness just washes over you. Unfortunately, a bad mushroom burger at Bo's Brewery in Pontiac forced me to the back of the place for about half of the show, but still my enjoyment was not diminished. I would have written about it sooner if the ridiculousness of Tuesday had not interfered. I'll explain tomorrow - in addition to my trip announcement. Until then, entertain thyself with new audio. I'm actually kinda funny.