I currently sit atop a flight of stairs outside my room at the Travelodge Motel (which turned out to be the best room we've stayed at), just south of LAX (LA airport). I am getting internet access from somebody's house across the street (I think), and it blinks in and out, but I think I'll be okay. We just got back from a whirlwind dinner with Brian Whitman, the man who did all of our voice impersonations for the Rocky Allen Show in it's New York and Detroit incarnations. A truly nice guy, he is a blast to hang around with, and one of the few people who can keep up with Amber's and my rapid pace of conversation when we get excited. I think that is the best word to describe the dinner. Excited. There were stories upon stories upon stories. Of course by 10:30, he had to leave to go to bed (he works for KIIS in L.A. on Ryan Seacrest's morning show as their voice guy), but we luckily convinced him to join us again tomorrow for more of the hijinks that only Brian Whitman can create.
Coachella was hot as a bastard. The past three days have been laden with record-setting heat in Southern California. At the festival, the afternoon temperatures reached in the 105 to 110 range. Oh, sweet Jesus it was hot. I didn't think I would ever complain about heat after leaving the cold days of Michigan, but I did and I am. Today was in triple digits again through much of Los Angeles, but it was much cooler when we got to the airport, which is near the ocean.
The Festival itself was great. I saw a ton of good bands, and many impressed - like Radiohead,(who actually played "Creep") the Killers (who have yet to release an album, but I have seen them twice in concert. They are awesome.), Electric Six, and of course the Flaming Lips. The Flaming Lips put on a great show as always, but ran out of time because they were too busy doing show stuff and talking. They only played four songs in their set, but when the lead singer descends from Outer Space in a bubble, which he then uses to crowd surf to the stage, you're given a pass. (Actually, he told us to tell everyone he descended from Outer Space, but he truthfully inflated a large plastic ball, got inside, and then rolled out into the crowd for a few minutes. I have pictures.)
Speaking of pictures, I have over 200 from Vegas and Coachella. I'll be winnowing them down the next day or two and posting them by Wednesday. I'll start a seperate Coachella album, because there are just too many pictures.
(Back to today) Brian recommended we check out Santa Monica before we met him for dinner -- and it was amazing. Even though the rest of the city was drowning in a heat wave and power outages (Brian had no power), Santa Monica and Venice Beach were just beautiful. Amber and I are currently trying to find a way so that we can just live there. We don't care what it takes, because every day of your life will be a joy when you can see and smell the ocean and feel the breeze. I know I won't be living there probably ever, but for now I can dream.
Off to sleep, to prepare for more Brian Whitman tomorrow. We roped him into more hanging out, and I can't wait.