Category: Early
Hits: 3778
As you may or may not have noticed, two days ago I installed a new photo gallery (coppermine). You can get to it the same way you got to the images before, by clicking on the "Images" link to the left. I'll be adding captions to all of the pictures over the next few weeks, hopefully an album or two a week. When I finish, I'll add some other pictures I've had lurking around my computer as well. On another note, I'm considering installing a message board to the site, mostly just to see how it works. It would allow anyone who registered (by submitting an email address and creating a password) to post whatever they wanted and for discussions to continue without my prompting. Basically, it would let the inmates run the asylum. It's something I'm in favor of (asylums), but I am interested in whether or not it would be used. Thus, please comment here or email me with your thoughts or wishes in regards to this. I've noticed the daily hits to this site have been increasing over the past few months and I want to encourage this.