News to come
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 4456
That's right. This is out of character. However, the background of the story makes the cockles of your heart warm.
You see, Chris is a ruthlessly cheap bastard. However, his girlfriend (the lovely Amber) is not. She gets her hair colored every few months at a price that send Chris into the fetal position crying. When he combines the thought of setting fire to money in such a ridiculous way with the sheer volume of shoes she owns, he begins to doubt whether she is actually human, or just a cold, emotionless jumble of wires and resistors hell-bent on broke-assery.
So Chris, in an effort to get more of his dinners/movies paid for by Amber (see above ruthless cheapness) has attempted to reduce her spending and increase the money available to spend on him. However, she likes to look fancy - so Chris had to sacrifice something in return to even out the deal. Thus, we surrendered our hair autonomy to each other.
The hopeful result... Chris gets a girlfriend who becomes so flush in money that she begins spending it willy-nilly - on him.