Category: Early
Hits: 4688
Nevertheless, upon viewing this movie (which I had presumed would be good and simple like Hughes's others) I was utterly confused. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT - DO NOT READ ON.

For what reason on earth did Duckie (Jon Cryer) simply give away Molly Ringwald at the end? A quick recap - Blane (Andrew McCarthy) is rich, and embarrassed to love the poor Molly (character name forgotten). Blane rescinds his offer to the prom, leaving her without a date. Molly, determined, shows up at the prom anyway to face him. Duckie (the guy who has been in love with her and plainly stating so for the past 8 years) shows up as well so she won't be alone. Once inside, Molly finds Blane - he apologizes - and Duckie tells her to go "get him", giving up his chance at love so that some bastard could take his woman instead. What is his possible motivation? Yes, he gets a token blond at the end as his just reward for being the good guy - but why did he give up Molly, going so far as to encourage her to pursue the other guy?

Well, I understand that this is an idiotic thought about an old movie. However, I spent two hours watching this piece of crap expecting an easy payoff. I got nothing. Pretty much the same feeling anyone visiting this site would get.