Category: General
Hits: 5573

My Name is Earl Loves HDTVWhile I was totally in love with the concept of My Name is Earl before I heard about it (as well as with the title), I've not been overwhelmed so far.  I like the Crabman and Earl's ex-wife, and find it impossible to not have a man-crush on Jason Lee (I would watch him read a phone book, just to see the eyebrow expressions, especially with his awesome porn mustache), but still the show leaves me wanting more.  It is certainly no Arrested Development (The best comedy.  Ever.)

Nevertheless, I do watch it every week in HD, and was glad to see this picture.

Sent in from an alert reader in Hazel Park, MI -- Shawn Polito:

"My name is Earl" in HD ROCKS

Thanks Shawn.  I looked out for when I got around to watching it HDTiVo-style and saw it, although it was only up there for a second.