Category: Early
Hits: 3991
Hey, I posted this as a comment to an earlier blog entry... but in case you don't see it, here it is again. P.S. I'm the bastard. Hello, Other Chris Boylan. I was ego-surfing an found your site. Nice domain name! In reference to your comment about being ranked 147th on Google for "chris boylan" - well, now you're up to #5. So that should make your day. The reason you're not currently #1 is probably because I am currently #1, 2 and 3 - my sites include (I write for the magazine),,, a Vassar alumni Web site, and a few others. I freelance as a Search Engine Optimization consultant so, while I never actually optimized my sites for my (our) name, it just kinda happened. But you have a huge leg up since you have "chrisboylan" in your domain name. If you can get a few more folks linking to the site (build your Google PR) then I would not be surprised to see you knock me out of the top 3 one day, if that's your goal. Anyway... best of luck with the site and the blog. Later, Chris -------------------------------------------------------- As you can see, I have climbed up a bit since the email, but it will only last as long as this other Chris Boylan sees fit. His job is to make websites appear first in search engines. My job is to fix broken radio things and generally appear busy. Thus, if he puts his mind to it, I could tumble back to the bottom. C'est la vie. (My google page rank has improved tremedously thanks to my link from my employer, Also, he and I have written further and it appears that he is awaiting the birth of his first child. He promises me that I will soon be a proud... nom-uncle? I don't know what you would call it.