Last Comic Standing
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3938
I know, I promised myself that I'd stop watching after the first few episodes clearly revealed the show to be nothing more than a sham. However, when you have a girlfriend who knows how to operate the TiVo, you don't have as much control over you viewing habits as you thought you would when you got to be an adult.
Having watched the final episode, Amber and I am torn between John Heffron and Gary Gulman as the winner. I'd have to say that as funny as Heffron was, Gary's material was fresher and more innovative than the standard relationship material of Heffron. That probably means that Heffron will win.
Also, Alonzo Bodden managed to surprise me once again. In each of the last competitions, I expected nothing, and he blew me away. Tonight, I expected much and he pulled up lame. Why, Alonzo, why?
P.S. If you just feel the need to get angry about something, read this story. I was left completely without words. Did you just steal everything I own right in front of me? After telling me you would do it? I think murder is an acceptable response on behalf of this couple. I wouldn't convict them.