Category: Early
Hits: 3486
I had finished my X-Box, installed a network card on my TiVo, got my new MX-500 Universal Remote mostly programmed (relieving me of the 7 plus remote mess on the coffee table) and was working towards finally making this site pretty. I even managed to get some new pictures up (which many of you have noticed). And then... TiVo takes a crap. Last night, while watching Family Guy (which I often do while working on the site) the TiVo froze up - a first in its two years. Then, I rebooted it, and got the fabled Green Screen of Death (GSOD). The GSOD is much like Windows' BlueSOD, except green. You're supposed to let it try to fix itself for the next day or so - which I did to no avail. Now, I have to boot this computer into Linux using a boot CD and extract the video files I want to keep, run diagnostics on the drives, and then reformat them for the TiVo. That should take a day or two. Good Times. At least if I'm going to fill my day with nothing I picked the right day to do so. Right now there are no degrees outside. That's kind of creepy. Lacking any degrees sounds much worse than actually being on the negative side of the ledger. It makes walking in our 8" of snow sound liek you're walking on the moon. Your nostrils freeze on inhale, melt on exhale. In the 30 seconds from my car to the apartment, I lost all feeling in my right hand. So maybe not going outside tomorrow is the right thing to do.