Jessica Lynch
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 4135
I usually don't put up two posts in an evening, allowing them to properly breathe. However, I forgot about this earlier and it needs it's own time.
Have you seen the promos for the putrid piece of filth that is the "Jessica Lynch Story"?
NBC figures, let's quickly set up a pointless and more importantly factless movie, fill it with jingoistic nonsense, and foist it on a public that we have so successfully made mindless over the past fifty years that they will eat it up with a spoon.
The worst part is that she didn't even need to be rescued!!!
As USA Today reports, she was being taken care of in an Iraqi hospital by people she got along with. They had tried to return her to the military, but their ambulance was shot at. When the commandos stormed the hospital, they were offerred a master key so that they would not have to break down all the doors, destroying facilities that are desperately needed in the rundown country.
They refused the key.
Add this to the fact she now suffers from "amnesia" (a chrage her father denies!), so she conveniently cannot deny the story that she was held captive and heroically rescued.
Want some more? How about the reason she was injured was not her barbaric captors, but rather a Humvee accident. You can read more about her heroism at United Justice. Now, i take no responsibility for this site as I just found it tonight, but the links are interesting.
One last good one. The black female soldier captured at the same time as Jessica and released 11 days later is fighting to get medical disability from the Army. While Jessica got a full 80%, Shoshana Johnson can't get more than 30% for her injuries - and she has no book deal. The were captured because of the same mistake, but obviously, Jessica needs more money to heal the wounds.
P.S. Recently, Jessica was unable to meet with the Iraqi who helped save her, because she was too busy preparing for her book's release. She will split a million dollar advance with the ghostwriter.
I hate the media.