Hospital Stay
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3605
No, no.. not for me. However, Amber's Dad spent Monday and Tuesday getting to know Crittenton Hospital after getting sidelined by a kidney stone. I'd attempt to explain it, but why bother when Amber did a much better job.
So that plus cleaning up Rock's basement is what I've been up to the past few days. Well, that and job seeking. As you can hear on my audio page I've been preparing for what likely will be a new life somewhere is the continental United States. Beyond that, the details are sketchy... which always helps me sleep well.
The worst part is that all the planning for the "Drive Across America" has taken a backseat for the past few days. I had hoped to ahve at least an outline and a few hotels picked out by this point, but at T-minus 17 days and counting all we've planned out is:
1. Get in the car on April 26th.
2. Drive to hotel in Southern California by Friday.
3. Attend Coachella.
4. Drive home, via San Francisco.
Well, I also got new tires.
Speaking of parents (see top of post), apparently mine (which live in New Jersey) are in Indiana this week. When I offered to drive down and visit them for lunch, they kind of said no, and since then have been avoiding me. Apparently all the "We miss you" stuff has been a load of crap. Good to know for when it's time to pick out a nursing home (Which they're doing for my Grandma. It's actually an assisted living home, but the threat doesn't work as well with "assisted living"). I believe your room is gonna smell like pee, Mom and Dad! Plus, I'll make sure you share a room with the "screamer". You know - the guy who's only remaining memory scares the hell out of him. Good luck getting some sleep there.
I am not a man to be fooled with, O parents! But you can fix this all with some cash. You know where I live.