It's been quite a good few days as I return back to Michiganland.
Let us review:
1. The Circuit City fun I had a week or so ago. (Check my last post.)
2. I left my driver's license at my parent's house when I went to the airport to come home Saturday, stranding me in Newark for four fun-filled standby hours.
3. The reason my car hasn't been starting recently is much stupider than originally thought. (It was possibly the most annoying reason I could think of - and expensive!)
4. I spent around an hour on the phone with the IRS today arguing with them over the details of rolling over into a Roth IRA.
That good time being established, I am now driving to Chicago tomorrow morning to celebrate the New Year in fashion with the Flaming Lips and the White Stripes. With any luck, I'll own some IKEA furniture as well.
Worry you not, I will explain all of the above stated crap when I return.
Happy New Year!