Category: Early
Hits: 3652
For those of you who checked out the comments from the last post, you see how I have mutant genes. My sister, Deirdre, has two different length legs. For those of you who are confused about that last statement, let me explain it for you. It's really, really funny. Yeah, two different length legs is hilarious, especially when it isn't happening to you. I am only cursed with sweet hernia goodness, so I guess I came out okay. Well, if you consider that I slipped earlier today, causing me to fall into a mini-split that felt like it ripped every muscle in my lower abdomen, then maybe the hernia thing ain't that great. Although it may look like only DD and Allison would actually post to the board, I may install it anyway just to see how it goes. In the fun world of radio, unemployment is always around the corner, so it's good to have other marketable skills. Speaking of which, feel free to check out my girlfriend's unfinished site, She claims it's bad now, but will get better. Where have I heard that before?