Election Links
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3937
Hey, want to waste time obsessing about the upcoming election? Do what I do every morning! Visit these two sites for more info than you can shake a stick at.
Fancy Clickable Electoral Map with Polls
I love this one, its so fun and easy to play.
Not wonkish enough for you? The check out The Note. Updated absurdly frequently (a full morning piece, then updates during the day in "Noted Now"). It is a comprehensive look at what everyone is talking about - newspapers, TV, pollsters, campaigns, etc. There is no direct link to the day's Note, so you'll have to find it on the Politics page. It takes awhile to wade through, but it's worth it.
Bonus link! Bonus link!
McSweeney's Internet Tendency has been maintaining a reason a day not to vote for George Bush. Most of the reasons aren't huge, and some seem to be really picky, but taken in aggregate, I think they do a good job of expressing why he is such a monumentally bad President.