Broken Record
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Early
- Hits: 3848
I feel like a friggin broken record here... somehow I have managed to turn nothing to do every day into something that takes up so much time that I don't have time to do the things that I want. I swear that I am justthisclose to making this site all new and fancy and pretty, but then my TiVo croaks again (probably having to do with me leaving the fan unplugged and reducing it to a hot, pulsating mess). It takes all day to get it running again - I just finished at 3 something in the morning. In the process, I had to rip the HD out of my hacked XBox because I have no spare HDs for the TiVo. Now I do have a working TiVo, but also 3 spare HDs lying around with old TV shows that I want to pull off them before I reuse them.
On the good side, I've been actually trading options after 3 months of research. My first trade looks pretty good so far. I'm up 30% and just have to wait until March 19th to collect. I'll explain more about this later, but for now - just be happy that my IRA is up about $450. Good times. If you're wondering if this type of return on investment is good, if I am able to repeat this every month, I'll be a millionaire in four years and a billionaire in nine. Again, good times.
Yeah, so that's gonna take a little precedence over a web site.